Using LEO Satellites to Provide Education For All

Using LEO satellites to provide Education For All. Education For All, is a long term ambition of the United Nations (UN). However the target of every child having access to Primary School education by 2015, was not achieved. LEO LEO is short for Low Earth Orbit. It is a type of communications satellite, that as …

GCSE Design Technology

I have been teaching GCSE Design Technology again. Therefore I thought it would be useful to go through the syllabus specification, relating to student knowledge. The following is based on the AQA GCSE Syllabus, and is for information only. Core Technical Principles ‘In order to make effective design choices students will need a breadth of …

Electrical Power Factor

Electrical power factor is a measure of the efficiency with which electrical power is being used in a system. It is the ratio of the real power (which is the power that is actually doing useful work, measured in watts) to the apparent power (which is the total power being used in the system, measured …

Solo Taxonomy

SOLO Taxonomy is a model used in education to help assess and guide students’ learning. SOLO stands for “Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes,” and the model was developed by educational psychologist John Biggs and his colleague Kevin Collis in the 1980s. The SOLO Taxonomy model describes five levels of understanding, each building on the previous …

Flipped Learning

Flipped learning, is also known as the flipped classroom. It is an teaching strategy where the traditional approach of delivering lectures during class time is reversed. In the flipped learning model, students first study the lesson material outside the classroom. Typically this is done through pre-recorded videos, podcasts, or reading assignments. Then, during face to …

Blooms Taxonomy

Blooms Taxonomy is a framework for categorising educational goals and objectives. It was created in 1956 by Benjamin Bloom, along with a team of educational psychologists. Blooms Taxonomy has become one of the most widely used models in education today. The taxonomy consists of six levels. Each level represents a different type of thinking skill. …

Tuition Personal Statement

Personal statement I am in the probably rare position of having taught from KS2, up to mature students in the FE sector. I also have limited experience teaching in KS1 classrooms. During five years working as a qualified teacher (QTS) for Hertfordshire County Council, I taught in 49 schools. This was as a member of …

SEN Statements Reflection on Student Motivation

SEN Statements are a vital tool for teachers and schools, helping improve both the academic and mental health of students. However, one thing that I have not seen talked about, is the downside. The downside which I encountered while working as a supply teacher, is that some students use it as a reason why they …