AS9100 Internal Auditing Services

I have experience in AS9100 Internal Auditing, for companies. So what is AS9100 ? AS9100 is a quality management system standard specifically designed for the aerospace industry. It is based on the ISO9001 standard but includes additional requirements tailored to the unique needs of aerospace organisations. Here’s an overview of the AS9100 standard. Quality Management …

So What Now

So what now? I did my TEDx talk last Sunday. My talk, which could possibly be described as a passionate ramble at times, was for a reason. That reason is the desire to help the unconnected. Currently, it is estimated according to the ITU, that 2.6 Billion people are not connected to the Internet. Another …

Should the UN have its own LEO Satellites

Should the UN have its own LEO Satellites? LEO is short for Low Earth Orbit. LEO Satellites can provide broadband Internet to the whole of the earth’s surface. Currently, an estimated 2.6 Billion people remain unconnected to the Internet. That means one-third of the earth’s human population, can’t go online. Whilst the reasons are not …

Refugee Education Using Satellites

Refugee Education can traditionally be hard to achieve. The very nature of a refugees situation, means that they are displaced. Being displaced from their normal geographic home, disrupts schooling for the young. But there is a new possible solution. The solution is direct to handset education. More specifically I am talking about direct-to-handset, from Low …

AI Teachers for SDG4

Ai Teachers. AI is short for Artificial Intelligence. AI has the ability to revolutionise teaching and education. It also has a role to play in meeting the SDG4 goal. The SDG4 goal is short for Sustainable Development Goal 4. Sustainable Development Goal 4, is a United Nation initiative, to provide ‘Quality Education’ for all of …

SDG4 Using LEO Satellites

SDG4 Using LEO Satellites to help achieve the UN Goal of Universal Education Access. SDG4 is part of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, of the United Nations. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) were announced in 2015, with a target of achieving them by 2030. SDG’s are part of a UN plan of action to end …

What is Sustainable Development Goal 4

SDG4 refers to Sustainable Development Goal 4, which is one of the 17 global goals established by the United Nations in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. SDG4 specifically focuses on education and aims to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.” The key targets …

Using LEO Satellites to Provide Education For All

Using LEO satellites to provide Education For All. Education For All, is a long term ambition of the United Nations (UN). However the target of every child having access to Primary School education by 2015, was not achieved. LEO LEO is short for Low Earth Orbit. It is a type of communications satellite, that as …

SDG4 UN Sustainable Development Goal 4

Sustainable Development Goal 4 or SDG4 for short, is one of the 17 goals established by the United Nations as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. SDG 4 focuses specifically on education and aims to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.” The targets associated with SDG4 …