Cheap Internet Access using Recycled Smartphones

Cheap internet access using recycled smartphones, for the developing world. What do I mean by developing world exactly? Well for starters, the 2.6 Billion people, that the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) estimates, do not have Internet access. So how can recycled smartphones help? Well they are computers at heart, and can therefore be repurposed, as …

So What Now

So what now? I did my TEDx talk last Sunday. My talk, which could possibly be described as a passionate ramble at times, was for a reason. That reason is the desire to help the unconnected. Currently, it is estimated according to the ITU, that 2.6 Billion people are not connected to the Internet. Another …

Refugee Education Using Satellites

Refugee Education can traditionally be hard to achieve. The very nature of a refugees situation, means that they are displaced. Being displaced from their normal geographic home, disrupts schooling for the young. But there is a new possible solution. The solution is direct to handset education. More specifically I am talking about direct-to-handset, from Low …

SDG4 Using LEO Satellites

SDG4 Using LEO Satellites to help achieve the UN Goal of Universal Education Access. SDG4 is part of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, of the United Nations. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) were announced in 2015, with a target of achieving them by 2030. SDG’s are part of a UN plan of action to end …