Tag archives: internet of things
What is MQTT Used For in IOT? MQTT is short for MQ Telemetry Transport, and is a messaging protocol used in the Internet Of Things (IOT) systems. It is very simple and lightweight messaging protocol, designed for devices with limited processing power and low-bandwidth, high-latency or unreliable networks. It was designed to minimise network bandwidth …
Lorawan Server
What is lorawan Lorawan is a wireless wide area network technology, based on Lora narrowband Spread Spectrum technology. What Does a Lorawan Server Do A lorawan server is in the Internet Cloud, and processes data received from remote field sensors (measuring environmental factors), which are known as nodes. The data from the nodes is received …
Lorawan IOT Gateway construction
Lorawan- building an IoT Gateway for the Things Network Lincoln Things Network I am the initiator of the Lincoln Things Network which is a worldwide crowd funded initiative, bringing lorawan wireless IOT (Internet of Things) to the world. The local Lincoln group which I founded can be found at https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/community/lincoln/ The network receives environmental data …