Electrical power factor is a measure of the efficiency with which electrical power is being used in a system. It is the ratio of the real power (which is the power that is actually doing useful work, measured in watts) to the apparent power (which is the total power being used in the system, measured …
Category archives: electrical
Marine Generator Servicing
Marine generator servicing, includes both periodic and emergency maintenance. Periodic maintainence is better than having to carry out emergency maintenance, after a failure. Marine generators are all three-phase power. Three-phase means that there are three output ‘bus bars’. Bus Bar’ is the name for the three metal connectors, which provide the output voltage, from the …
How to Save Electricity Costs
Do this to save electricity, and lower bills. How to save electricity costs are on most peoples minds right now. This article mainly focuses on the home, rather than industry. Different electrical appliances use widely different amounts of electricity. Knowing which are the expensive to run, can help reduce electricity usage and therefore bills. KiloWatt …
Generator Reverse Power Protection On Ships
Generator reverse power protection on ships is required, to protect against failure of the Prime Mover.
Under normal operating conditions the ship’s generator is turned by the Prime Mover, which allows the generator to operate, and produce power.
Marine Electrical Training Online
How Marine Generator Works & Fails
Theory states that electricity can be generated by moving a magnet through a coil of wire.
Earthing Systems On Ships Insulated Neutral Versus Land
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