Reimagining Worldwide Education

Reimagining worldwide education, has the potential to improve outcomes.

But first lets look at where we are, in regard to worldwide education.

In my TEDx talk in October 2023, I revealed some educational statistics.

For example, 263 Million children and youths aged between 6 – 17, don’t attend a school.

This is according to a report by UNESCO in 2018.

Community Wifi Direct from Satellite

Community WIFI direct from satellite, is now technically possible. The latest developments in LEO, which is short for Low Earth Orbit satellite, allow direct connection between a LEO Satellite, and a standard smartphone. Being able to connect directly to a standard smartphone, lowers the costs of providing connectivity to remote locations. This also means that …

Should the UN have its own LEO Satellites

Should the UN have its own LEO Satellites? LEO is short for Low Earth Orbit. LEO Satellites can provide broadband Internet to the whole of the earth’s surface. Currently, an estimated 2.6 Billion people remain unconnected to the Internet. That means one-third of the earth’s human population, can’t go online. Whilst the reasons are not …

Giving Fifty Percent Of Profits to Charity

Giving fifty percent of profits to charity, is something I woke up thinking about this morning. So I googled it, to find out if it already existed, and it did. As some of you may know, I run a small business, but am also a part time teacher. This year I have become increasingly interested …

Refugee Education Using Satellites

Refugee Education can traditionally be hard to achieve. The very nature of a refugees situation, means that they are displaced. Being displaced from their normal geographic home, disrupts schooling for the young. But there is a new possible solution. The solution is direct to handset education. More specifically I am talking about direct-to-handset, from Low …

AI Teachers for SDG4

Ai Teachers. AI is short for Artificial Intelligence. AI has the ability to revolutionise teaching and education. It also has a role to play in meeting the SDG4 goal. The SDG4 goal is short for Sustainable Development Goal 4. Sustainable Development Goal 4, is a United Nation initiative, to provide ‘Quality Education’ for all of …

Using Mobile Cell Phones to Achieve SDG4

Using Mobile Cell Phones to help achieve SDG4. SDG4 is short for Sustainable Development Goal 4, and is one of 17 goals. The 17 goals were set up in 2015, by the United Nations. SDG4 is concerned with education. Specifically the goal is to provide ‘Quality Education’ for all of the worlds children and youths. …

SDG4 Using Direct to Handset Satellite

SDG4 Using Direct to Handset Satellite connectivity. Direct to handset is the connection of standard mobile phone (cell phone) handsets, straight from a communications satellite. Traditional mobile / cell phones, connect to the nearest cell tower, on earth. These towers only have relatively short distance communications coverage, so there are many of them, within a …

Using LEO Satellites to Provide Education For All

Using LEO satellites to provide Education For All. Education For All, is a long term ambition of the United Nations (UN). However the target of every child having access to Primary School education by 2015, was not achieved. LEO LEO is short for Low Earth Orbit. It is a type of communications satellite, that as …