Blooms Taxonomy is a framework for categorising educational goals and objectives.

It was created in 1956 by Benjamin Bloom, along with a team of educational psychologists.

Blooms Taxonomy has become one of the most widely used models in education today.

The taxonomy consists of six levels.

Each level represents a different type of thinking skill.

In this blog post, we will explore each level of the taxonomy in detail.

I will also provide examples of how the levels can be applied in the classroom.

1) Remembering

The first level of Bloom’s Taxonomy is remembering.

This level involves recalling information from memory.

Information recall, such as facts, definitions, and procedures.

Examples of remembering might include recalling the capital of a country, reciting the multiplication tables, or identifying the steps in a scientific method.

2) Understanding

The second level of Bloom’s Taxonomy is concerned with understanding.

The understanding level involves comprehending the meaning of information.

Level 2 Understanding includes interpreting data, or explaining a concept.

Examples of understanding might include explaining the concept of photosynthesis, interpreting a graph or chart, or summarising a reading passage.

3) Applying

The third level of Bloom’s Taxonomy is applying.

The applying level involves using knowledge and understanding to solve problems and complete tasks.

Examples of Level 3 applying might include using a formula to solve a maths problem, designing an experiment to test a hypothesis, or creating a poster to illustrate a concept.

4) Analysing

Level 4 of Bloom’s Taxonomy is analysing.

Analysing level 4 involves breaking down information into its component parts, and examining relationships between them.

Examples of analysing might include identifying patterns in data, comparing and contrasting two texts, or explaining the causes and effects of an event.

5) Evaluating

Evaluating is the fifth level of Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Level 5 involves making judgments about the value or quality of information, such as assessing the validity of an argument or evaluating the effectiveness of a solution to a problem.

Examples of level 5 evaluating in Blooms Taxonomy might include critiquing a work of literature, evaluating the accuracy of a news article, or assessing the reliability of a source of information.

6) Creating

The sixth and final level of Bloom’s Taxonomy is creating.

This level involves using knowledge and skills to produce something new, such as designing a new product, composing a song, or developing a computer program.

Examples of creating might include writing a story, creating a work of art, or designing a scientific experiment.

In conclusion, Bloom’s Taxonomy is a useful tool for teachers and other educators, to design instruction and assess student learning.

Using this framework helps to identify the level of thinking required for different tasks and activities.

Teachers can ensure that they are challenging their students to develop higher-order thinking skills.

By incorporating each level of Bloom’s Taxonomy into their lesson plans, teachers create more engaging and effective learning experiences for their students.

Published by Craig Miles

Craig Miles

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