This blog post is about my intercooler pipe replacement experience.

Hopefully it provides you with tips, if you need them.

The intercooler pipe between the egr valve, and the intercooler.

The intercooler pipe is actually two pipes.

The top pipe connects between the intercooler, and a sensor.

The bottom pipe connects between the sensor and the intercooler.

Common Fault

The top pipe from the egr valve to the sensor, is a common fault item.

What happens is that the pipe can split.

Split pipe results in a very smoky exhaust, which is not good for the environment.

Gaining Access

Gaining access to the top and bottom pipe is fairly simple.

The bottom pipe is accessed by removing the front undertray.

The undertray is held using a few screws.

The screws screw into a metal plate which sits behing the plastic bumper.

Unfortunately what you may find, is that the metal plate turns, when you start to unscrew.

This happened with my car, as I live in a damp country (UK), and the screw had gone rusty.

I won’t go here into how I eventually removed the screw, but feel free to ask.

Remove the screws from the left side of the undertray.

This gives you access to the intercooler pipe.

Using a 7mm socket and ratchet, you can undo the nut on the pipe clip (Jubilee Clip).

The easiest way I found, was to remove both pipes, to access them.

Unclip the sensor connector.

Remove the air filter box electrical connector, and pipe.

You will need a tool to squeeze the clip, to release the air box from the pipe.

Lift the air filter assembly upwards and away.

I forgot to mention that firstly you need to remove the plastic engine top cover, to access the air filter box. Remove oil dipstick, and pull cover upwards.

I also forgot to mention that the air filter box will be attached the the front air intakes. These clip out, though are stiff.

Once you have removed the air filter box, next remove the egr valve.

This is how I did it, as it gives you more room to work.

The egr valve is held with two screws, and two nuts, as well as a jubilee clip holding the pipe on.

You should now be able to pull the pipes upwards through the engine bay.

Published by Craig Miles

Craig Miles

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