Satellite Integrated Logistics Support is something I have worked in.
Integrated Logistics Support, or ILS for short, originated in the military, but is increasingly used in the commercial sector as well.
When I worked in ILS, is was for what is now Airbus Defence & Space.
Without going into specific details (I was security cleared), my work was concerned with satellite and ground station system reliability.
This involved analysing existing processes and a lot of data analysis.
NATO Codification
NATO codification is a system for ensuring part supply consistancy.
Nato codification numbers, are often abreviated to NCN.
A satellite component, with a particular NCN number, will be the same, even if made by a number of different manufacturers.
Therefore the NCN states an enginering standards specification.
This is important for NATO member states, as a UK manufactured waveguide for a satellite ground station, might also be made locally by a German company, for the German military.
Therefore it must be manufactured exactly to a set standard.
That is one point of NATO codification numbers.
Another reason that they are important in a satellite system, is for identification, within an ILS system.
DRACAS is short for Data Reporting Analysis & Corrective Action System.
DRACAS is held in a database, and contains data about components, and sub systems of the satellite system.
An example of a component part within a communications satellite, is the Modem (modulator / demodulator).
But the component could literally be a 5mm diameter hexagonal headed screw.
The NCN is the unique identifyer of the component, within the satellite system.
Logistics Support Analysis
Reliability & Maintainibility
Reliability Centered Maintenance Analysis
Engineering data exploitation
Obselescence Management
Integrated Logistics Support Engineering
Technical Publications