Space 4.0 is a relatively new term, but what does it mean.
First, let’s look at some history.
According to the European Space Agency (ESA), there are three previous eras of space.
Space 1.0
Space 1.0 was actually the pre-space era.
In this era, scientists observed space through telescopes and other scientific methods.
Space 1.0 was the early era of astronomy.
Space 2.0
Space 2.0 started in the late 50s with what became known as the space race.
The space race involved two world superpowers, namely the USSR (Russia), and the United States of America.
This period in space history can be characterised as the era of big budgets.
The costs involved in launching satellites and rockets into space were only feasible for rich governments.
Examples of Space 2.0 launches, were the Sputnik Satellite, and the Apollo Moon landings.
Space 3.0
Space 3.0 according to ESA, started with the launch of the International Space Station, or ISS.
Space 3.0 is the era of international cooperation in space.
It is also when exploitation of space began.
Space 4.0
Space 4.0 is the era we are now entering.
What characterises this new period of space history, is lower barriers to entry.
Lower costs allow new business opportunities to emerge.
Lower costs allow private enterprises, rather than just governments, to access space.